
About Us

Louisiana Allergy and Asthma Specialists are experts in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of asthma, rhinitis (both nasal allergies and non-allergic rhinitis), chronic sinus disease, allergic skin conditions (such as eczema and urticaria), and evaluation of patients with chronic infections and possible immune deficiency disorders. We strive to do this in the most caring and compassionate fashion. Also, it is our core value to maintain the highest level of knowledge and be leaders and innovators in our field. We feel that it is essential that we also be leaders in education involving medical students, residents, subspecialty trainees (fellows), as well as colleagues in our medical community regarding the diseases that we treat, and to be an ongoing resource to them. 

Physician and Nurse Practitioner

When It Is Time To See A Specialist

Patients typically see our office for the following reasons:

  • Nasal problems such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing, and post nasal drip that do not response to OTC antihistamine therapy. It is also appropriate to seek help if these are associated with chronic sinus and ear infections.
  • Breathings problems
  • Patients with diagnosed asthma who are having frequent symptoms not well controlled on current regimens as breathing problems that may not have been diagnosed before.
  • Allergic reactions, including reactions to insects, medications, and latex.
  • Patients with frequent infections such as sinusitis, otitis media, throat infections, frequent episodes of bronchitis or pneumonia, as well as deep organ infections.
  • Identified problems such as asthma or nasal allergies require extensive treatment options such as allergy immunotherapy (“allergy shots”) or treatment with biologics (such as Xolair, Nucala, Cinq-Air, Fasenra, Dupixent).
  • Hives (urticaria) and eczema

How Should I Make An Appointment

Many patients will come to us after discussing their problems with their primary care provider or another specialist physician such as ENT, pulmonologist, or dermatologist. It is also acceptable for patients to call and make an appointment if they have concerns about these problems as well.


Benjamin B. Close, MD

  • Cenla’s Best Doctor -2008.
  • Best Doctor in Louisiana – 1996-present.
  • Volunteer Faculty Award – American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.
  • Past President of Louisiana Society of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and former board member.
  • Presenter at state and regional scientific medical meetings.
  • Frequent lecturer at scientific medical meetings.